Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Lost - 1 Motivation. If found please return.

I caved. Made it to 5:30pm but I caved. Bought bake at home dinner rolls and fruit steamed puddings. Had 4 of the rolls with REAL butter and Deli cheese, then later had a steamed pudding with a huge dollop of my childhood favourite - tinned cream. Hmmmmmmm.

I have lost my mojo, my motivation, my willpower. I am bored of the shakes. I am bored of my job, I am bored of my life. Decided I will have a week off to pick up the pieces and hopefully my strength will have returned to be able to pick up the baton again and keep on running.

Good news. I made 30 pairs of earrings last night and managed to fulfill my order on time. phew! I need an extra 5 hours every day to catch up on all the things I plan to do. I spend all day at my "real" job wishing I was home so I could get on with my own business, then when I get home I am so stuffed I cannot be bothered looking at a computer for another few hours (surely 8 hours a day is enough!)

ah well. Did some random blogging before to cheer myself up (or kill time - whichever you prefer) this one caught my eye http://lifesinger.blogspot.com/ Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a blessing...
Thanks for stopping by. And, by all
means, enjoy your week off!

Tell your boss I said you're to have
an extra two weeks off, and he's to
triple your salary immediately!

Tell him I said, "Don't make me come
down there!"




P.S. You might like this site:
TUT's Adventurers Club It's one of my favs.