This is Cousin It. A wonderful surprise present from a blogger friend.
He very nearly didn't make it into our family. I have a PO Box. My mum normally collects for me as I work business hours. She got the card in the box advising that a parcel was waiting. When she went to collect it the guy at the counter recognised her from her regular visits, he was a little concerned...
"Your PO Box is normally for Txx or Cxx is that right?"
"... but this is addressed to BHB, so it must not be for you. You expecting a cuddly toy?"
"..... erm...... nope...."
She had to ring me at work, and I had to confirm over the phone that yes, BHB was in fact an alias of mine, and that I was entitled to collect the parcel.
Sometimes, my alter-ego causes me to blush.