Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Minor Transmission Interruption

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Things I have Learned This Week:-
- Expect cold and damp feet all day if you wear canvas shoes in the rain.
- Not everyone is as excited as me about my business opportunities.
- Don't make meatballs in spaghetti sauce 2 days in advance, except when what you REALLY wanted was spaghetti bolognese.
And Never forget folks.... Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are not after you!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Room 101

Ok I guess this is pretty obvious and I am sure to get an amen on this from everyone... well except from Telemarketers but they have already sold their soul to the devil so I guess their opinions don't count anymore anyways.
I got calls while eating my tea... would I like to buy Health Insurance, Mathematic learning programmes, cheaper phone calls etc...
So I switched to a silent number.. that'll fix the buggers...
It did... at first...
I got the call with the usual second delay on the beginning of the call... when he asked me how much I earned in a year I finally cracked it. I would like to sincerely apologise to the guy who was only doing his job... but I can't... as I'm not sorry... he should get a better job. Surely Praying Mantis' have job openings occasionally!
I finally decided to ditch the landline altogether... so I only get the telemarketers on my mobile now..
The funniest one was a phone company who tried to get me to switch to their company... until I told them I was already with them.... She got off the phone pretty quickly when I tried to get her to help me with some admin issues I was having trouble with.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Quirky Tuesday
Quirky Tuesday will have a different topic each week, to tell everyone about a quirk / ritual / obsession / routine about that subject. As little or as many as you like if you're playing along at home. (I sound like a game show host!). Readers can meme it on their own blogs or just comment on here. Don't forget to link! Things that may mean I am a nerd...
- My obsession with Charmed
- I love songs written by Jim Steinman
- I could quite happily debate about who the best Star Trek Captain was
Monday, November 19, 2007
Monday's a Bitch
1.Which room in your home best represents your personality?
My lounge. Bright, relaxed, quirky, warm, fun.
2.What are your neighbours like?
Don't know... I got older folks on one side and a young couple on the other.. don't see either very often.. usually cause I'm rarely home or busy.
3.What style of home decor suits your taste most(eg.country,modern,etc.)?
I like modern, but sophisticated. Not too crazy... Light and airy.
4.If money were no object what 3 impractical features would you want your home to include?
I'd love a spa, a bowling alley and a room with wall to wall shoes.
5.What's your least favourite household chore to do?
All of it. I'm creative... you can't expect me to be tidy as well!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Little Shopping Horrors
I had some urgent orders to make... and realised I did not have 1 thing:- 2 strand end tags.
No probs... I'm only 10 mins away from the shopping mall... piece of cake.Oops forgot that it's getting near Christmas. Hard to find a park...
Tried 5 different stores. Found 3 strand, 4 strand, 5 strand, even 6 strand. No 2 strand.
No alternatives...
Had to drive 40 mins out of my way to the shop I knew would have them...
I arrived at Chadstone.
I didn't recognise the place. Didn't realise it had been so long since I had been here! The car park I used to use is not there anymore.. there's roadworks galore and the Christmas hoards are behind me and getting restless.... hard to find a park...
don't panic... once you're inside it will be fine...
It wasn't. The layout inside also seemed different and I became disorientated. I headed towards shops I recognise and found the location of my shop...
My shop wasn't there!
Panic.... no breathe.... found a map of the mall. The shop had moved. Phew. Hastily tried to memorise the map. This 5 mins in and out that I was hoping for was clearly not going to be.
Made my way to my new location... eyes wide like a child, all the shops I used to go to had moved.. or been replaced.
Found my store. Found my end tags. Yeah! Shop Assistant an unhappy mute, but that 'ain't gonna phase me now... I'm on the home stretch!
I try to re-trace my steps and get lost again. I'm getting hot and bothered and I have an itch where I can't scratch in public.
Find recognisable landmarks and stick to the places I knew. To add further embarrassment my zipper keeps falling down on my jeans.
I needed a drink of water but more importantly just wanted to get out!!! I felt like I was one of those mice in a lab that they throw in the same maze again and again, then suddenly change it without notice!
I hate shopping malls at this time of year. I am beginning to hate shopping full stop.
Can I change your name to Scrooge by deedpoll?
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Jam Thoughts

Anyhoo it got me thinking of ways to ease congestion. Of course most sci fi programmes have flying cars, but as air space is just as heavily guarded as land these days I can't see how that is going to be practical.
Next best thing I think would be multi storey freeways and roadways. If they can build a bridge over a road or railway, and they can dig tunnels under the Channel for Christ Sake! so surely building a very long bridge over the top of the existing freeway would be easy! There is only so much additional lanes across you can build on before you're knocking down homes and hospitals, so it makes sense that the only way is up.
Remember where you saw it first folks!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Room 101
Ben Stiller Movies
I'm afraid I can't understand why people think his movies are so hilarious. In most movies of his I have seen I barely cracked a smile. The only one I liked so far is Night at The Museum... but that was because the monkey was funny, not him!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Quirky Tuesday

- I can't bear to listen to Kate Bush. If ever a song of hers is played I have to go outside or as far away as possible.
- I lurve a good bass riff!
- I love to sit with my headphones on and a beer, crank up the music and sing along to all the old favourites.
Quirky Tuesday will have a different topic each week, to tell everyone about a quirk / ritual / obsession / routine about that subject. As little or as many as you like if you're playing along at home. (I sound like a game show host!). Readers can meme it on their own blogs or just comment on here. Don't forget to link!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Music Mambo
It was hard to choose only 5.....
- Mungo Jerry - In the Summertime
- Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music
- Pseudo Echo - Funkytown
- Club Nouveau - Lean on Me
- Deee-Lite - Groove is in the Heart
by the way... going through One Hit Wonder Central I was surprised to see some bands up there... but then I guess it depends which country it is based in and was the definition of "hit" is... even so, I don't think Midnight Oil would be happy to see themselves on the list!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Cool Things I found This Week
While we're on the subject of wine... check out the Whine Guide. May contain offensive language, but tht's part of it's... ahem... "charm".
Saturday, November 10, 2007
24 hour hand injury hotline - if you spend all day everyday hurting your hands?
Marine Whistleblowers Hotline - help on how to whistle when you're at sea?
Supernanny Parent Help hotline - someone to come round your house and tell your kids their behaviour is not asseptible?
Fodder Hotline - Cows ring when they are hungry?
Seafood Consumer Hotline - if you see someone eat a prawn - report it!
Fruitfly Hotline - even fruit flies need help sometimes!
and my favourite.......
Sly Grog Hotline - fancy a swifty?
Friday, November 09, 2007
On My Travels....

do you think they take your shoes off for you? Will they carry them for you as well?
Thursday, November 08, 2007
My Dilemma
Might make this a regular segment... haven't decided yet....
I discovered recently that a work colleague in a nearby office sells beads and findings wholesale. She and her husband import them direct from China. Whoo hoo I thought.. cheap stuff. I gave her my business card and she said she would e-mail me the catalog.
Haven't heard anything since...
so my dilemma is.... do I remind her?
The thing that amazes me, and makes me reluctant to chase her, is that I will be new business for her, so really it was in HER interests to send me the catalog. She is doing herself an injustice and losing money by forgetting... so it makes me wonder what sort of reliable business would she run if she can't even remember to create a new business proposition for herself?
Reminds me of Lifesingers recent post on the lack of Customer Service, and the recent overuse and insistence on Consumerism. Check it out... hits the spot!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Room 101
We really are scraping the bottom of the entertainment barrel with this show aren't we.
If I wanted to play Bingo I would go sit with the purple rinses and double knit cardies in the local RSL. I do not want to sit in the comfort of my own home and watch insane individuals giddy with the promise of cash and hear the annoying drawls of the compere.
It's the poor mans Price is Right I tells ya! At least that show had Larry to ogle. If you ask me it's a load of balls! (what.... and you wouldn't stoop to that joke huh?)
Things, people, places, situations etc you hate/loathe/dispise/don't like very much belong in Room 101. If you decide to do the same please comment or link as appropriate as I would love to hear yours too.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Why I Love Australia...
There's no wonder they call this the lucky country!
Quirky Tuesday

- My favourite flowers are Lillies, in particular the Peace Lily
- I put lemonade in the water of cut flowers and they seem to last longer
- I once sent myself flowers to make my partner jealous.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Manic Monday
What is your favorite kitchen utensil and why?
My wooden spoon... great for stirring (tee hee) and also handy for slapping people on the back of the head when they get in the way.
What is the one thing that frightens you the most about growing old?
Not really scared of growing old... petrified of death though. Maybe the worst thing would be losing my independence and having to rely on people to do things for me.
Sunday, November 04, 2007
What the....

.... and I got a cup of hot water! The lazy B***ards couldn't even put the tea bag in for me!
I go to the drive-thru for the convenience, yet have the inconvenience of having to make my own cup of tea from scratch! It's just wrong!!!!
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Cool Things I found This Week
(actually I didn't have to beg per se, I just asked... but it was funnier to say I begged.)
Here's a site worth a look. If you have had trouble finding something to wear (we all have at some stage) and want something waterproof AND sexy, or just something offensive, then try ExtremeCostumes.com! Of course the reason I have stumbled upon it is that it sells Happy Bunny merchandise! Hard to pick a favourite, but I think it is "Makeover? You need to be runover!"
Looking for a Chrissie pressie you can post? Maybe something humerous? Check out StickerGiant.com. They sell (surprise surprise) stickers, but also funny fridge magnets! Great stocking fillers (though I hear legs are better tee hee)
And finally!
My Outrageous Name is: |
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Thursday, November 01, 2007
Time Travel... No!!!!!