Monday, May 15, 2006

Mens Pants

Why am I not happy with the result? I have lost haven't I? I'm going in the right direction. I should feel pleased with myself. I'm losing my will power to avoid temptation..... the light at the end of the tunnel still seems so far away.

trying to find reasons why my losses aren't as great anymore. Is it because I'm exercising and putting on muscle? Is it because I'm not exercising enough? Is it because I missed a couple of shakes this week because I simply wasn't hungry? Am I doing something wrong?

Ah! well whatever it is - mustn't give up. If only for the bitchy reason that my "friend" is on this plan too and I want to be more successful that her and show her how it's REALLy done. She's still having leaded coffee, and she's eating her fruit everyday which I'm not, and she still says she is hungry. She is a very competitive person, and she's always trying to put me down. It would be nice to be on a higher plane for a change.

I know that sounds nasty - that's why I put it on here - no-one will see it. Have to vent sometimes tho don't ya!

Been craving really weird things. Most people crave choccie or bread or chips. Too normal for me. I'm craving porridge and meat pies. and I'd kill for a bit of Yorkshire Pudding and sage and onion stuffing with my roast. grrrr.

The loss is showing on my clothes though. T/L couldn't get over how good I look. Said my suit looks like mens pants that are too baggy for me. They used to be tight. Wish I could afford to buy ones that fit. Any donations gratefully received... that's donations of ladies suit trousers, not mens pants :)

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