Tuesday, May 02, 2006


A huge thank you to Lil Miss Piggy for helping me change my colours. I lurve it! She has been sooo nice and helpful and I have been a complete pain cause I don't know much about HTML. doh!

Actually felt hungry before lunch today. First time since I started the diet! Had an apple and headed to the gym. I had promised myself a regular trip to the gym, and failed yesterday so didn't want to make 2 excuses in a row.

Had a tiff with TL. Misunderstanding and we sorted it out. Think this is my first REAL adult relationship. Previously I would just sulk and pout. Talking about it and resolving it is much more rewarding! :)

He's taking me out for my birthday on Saturday and already stressing about what I am going to eat at the restaurant. Why does everyone else worry about it? I don't!

Having an early night tonight. C woke up in the night, and spent 2 restless hours in my bed, before telling me he couldn't sleep on an empty stomach. Sent him to his own bed with some tiny teddies!

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