Emus have got to go in.
It's the eyes... those horrible beady evil murderous looking eyes.. and the way they chase you around the wildlife park.
Besides... what use is a flightless bird.... I mean Honestly!
Destination - Weight Loss, Happiness, World Peace (what.... you think that's too much???)
It's the eyes... those horrible beady evil murderous looking eyes.. and the way they chase you around the wildlife park.
Besides... what use is a flightless bird.... I mean Honestly!
Quirky Tuesday will have a different topic each week, to tell everyone about a quirk / ritual / obsession / routine about that subject. As little or as many as you like if you're playing along at home. (I sound like a game show host!). Readers can meme it on their own blogs or just comment on here. Don't forget to link!
This week it's Birthdays!
I am A Vampire |
![]() You have a real thirst for bliss, and you consider yourself a true hedonist. And you're not afraid to walk alone in life, if it means getting what you truly crave. You truly enjoy entrancing people. Not to mention the ensuing pleasures of the flesh. Your tastes have been called decadent and bizarre. You usually give in to your temptations, no matter how primal Your greatest power: Your flawless ability to seduce and charm Your greatest weakness: Human flesh You play well with: Werewolves |
something's crashed on my computer. . .
Very annoying if you have no scissors to hand. If you try and pull them off you end up ripping your fingers to shreds. I am quite sure that they are not going to be very good for the environment (anything small and plastic rarely is) and if it was put on by one of those idiot shop assistants who put it through the fabric instead of through the sewn-in clothing label then they leave gaping great holes in all your new clothes!
Worst is the ones they put on to keep shoes together. How the hell are you supposed to try on shoes if they are tied together! Shuffling around the store as if your 5 year old has tied your shoelaces together is not not going to give you a good indication of whether they are comfortable or not. Why do they do that? Are there people out there who steal only 1 shoe????
I say there is nothing wrong with safety pins (re-useable!) and the good old fashioned paper sticker!
My Drag Queen Name Is: |
![]() |
* Whereis tells me that my total trip is 19.38km and should take 19 mins. (Soooo naïve!)
* My first 11.67km took me 12 mins last night (whereis says 10... not bad considering there are roadworks on the way).
* The remaining 7.71 km took me 25 minutes!!!!
40% of my trip takes 68% of my travel time. Step aside Einstein..get back Stephen Hawkings! I can whinge mathematically!
Walking down the car park driveway and I had the sudden urge to do a cartwheel. Now I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing.. I haven't done a cartwheel since I was at Junior School, and nowadays it would most probably involve ripping the seat of my pants at the very least, and more likely result in a hospital visit and traction.
Like when you're driving round a small roundabout, on a beautiful sunny day, no other cars around... don't ya have the urge to just go round and round the roundabout about 4-5 times? Now this I have done, on 3 occasions: once to delight my boy, once to delight my drunken passengers (I was sober!) and once to make T/L feel sick from his monster hangover.
Other examples:-
* Sitting next to a gorgeous looking guy on the train, and he smelled delicious, and I had the urge to have a lick.
* In the supermarket next to a carefully designed stack of boxes, and I get the urge to knock them all down.
* See a dirty car next to the road, and I get the urge to write my name in the dust.
* Smell the cut grass and get the urge to roll in it.
Makes you feel alive don't it?!
There are lots of important things they can get involved in.. World peace, climate change, Poverty... but no... they have to worry about 1 poor guy who is just out there trying to make a living cleaning cars.. (does he have a licence to use a hose? Can he use that hose/pressure washer on our premises? If his licence is issued by Yarra Valley Water does that mean he can't use it in areas under jurisdiction of another water board?)
Things, people, places, situations etc you hate/loathe/dispise/don't like very much belong in Room 101. If you decide to do the same please comment or link as appropriate as I would love to hear yours too.
There are currently 4 Trac(e)y Taylors in UTC, which poses a very small but highly annoying problem occasionally. I get e-mails from Canada all the time, asking me for Warranties on various problems, and inviting me to Christmas parties and Raffles. Tempting though it is to hop on a plane and join in the fun (their Xmas dinner sounded SO much better than ours) I have to decline. I have repeated asked them to amend their distribution list, but alas, the occasional e-mail still gets through.
Tracy in California gets a lot of my mail. In a way I am kind of glad, because his forwarding e-mails are amusing. Today this was an addition:-
T-shirt of the day: Spotted this morning. In big bold type. "I don't finish anythi"
Made me titter!
Tracey in the UK is a recent addition to the clan. All the other TTs welcome her with open arms. "Join our pain"
Trac(e)y Taylors of the world unite!
Anyhoo - Listening to Queen "I want to break free" - great song and I remember the video clip with them all dressed up as women. But the one memory that comes up every single time I hear that song is one day when I was in primary school. It was lunch time on a hot day and the bell had gone but the teacher had not finished the class so we were still sat there quietly with the door open for a breeze. Another class comes out of the adjacent classroom and one kid as clear as day sang "I want to break wind" to the tune - then suddenly realised that our whole class had heard him and we were all giggling. He blushed intently and we were quickly dismissed to the playground.
It still makes me smile when I think about it... and ever since that day I have substituted "wind" for "free", much to C's disgust!
I probably won't go down in history, but I will go down on your sister
Everyone loves a saga! Well this poor girl had a doozy recently that I stumbled upon... and I've ended up lovin' her blog... (if you wanna check out the other side of the dispute then see here... I'll let you decide for yourself.. tho personally I think one is a bit cuckoo!)
Want free stuff? of course you do! Here's some free Icons for ya....
Lastly, and as a change from You Tube, I thought I would introduce one of my favourite Flickr pages... great artistic vision... I love the different way of looking at the everyday and ordinary. Enjoy!
He's loud, raucous, grating and downright irritating. I'm tired of hearing his incessant noise.
I am reminded of Charlie Brown.. When he talks to his teacher and all you hear back is the muted trumpet noise. Wish I could turn his volume down to that of the muted trumpet. Least then in would be bearable. I can't concentrate on my work... can't even concentrate on writing this post. I'm
going insane! As Charlie Brown would say "I can't stand it!"
I wonder if Mrs Woodpecker wears earmuffs to bed?
Quote of the Day
"Things are more like they are now than they ever were before."
- Former U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
Maybe slave is not the right word... in fact the more I think about it the job I have in mind already had a title - personal assistant. Yes, that's it - PA is more PC right?
Basically I am willing to pay someone to do things I can't be bothered doing. For instance... this week I really need to update my stock database for my jewellery business... but I can't be bothered. PA steps in and gets busy. Oh, and I'm busy on the sofa watching House, can you do the washing up for me as well please? Ta! Also can you try and find my boys passbook, and write a letter of complaint to the school about his swimming being cancelled? I'm sure there's heaps more I can find for you to do should you wish.
Pay will be crap, but there will be praise and compliments aplenty! Please submit your applications in the comments section.
I now have Homer Simpson in my head shouting "Can't someone Else Do It.. The Garbage Man Can!"
One guy bangs his head on an open door of one of our custom built special car bodies, and the company has to spent hundreds, nay thousands of dollars getting ALL of existing and future custom bodies modified so it can't happen again. All because 1 guy didn't watch where he was going?! If you bang your head on the cupboard door in the kitchen... do you call the cabinet maker in and totally renovate your kitchen? Or do you curse yourself for being a silly bugger and get back to making nachos for brekkie?!
Does that mean because I stubbed my toe on the bed this morning getting dressed that I can sue the bed company for not leaving toe holes in the base?
What will it be next? "The greatest escapologist of our generation, Howdaree, will perform his most daring stunt yet.... Climbing a ladder without a 3 point contact harness"
I rest my case.
You see, Tracy, there is a choice for all who aspire to live in abundance, that only the wisest ever perceive.
You can Visualise a life in which you possess fabulous wealth.
You can visualize a life in which you are creatively fulfilled, with fantastic work, dancing in the marketplace... and you possess fabulous wealth.
Do you see the oh-so-subtle difference?
I see you as the dancing sort,
The Universe
I came back to 208 e-mails, 82 invoices (and another 56 to check), 3 traffic
infringements, 2 accident claim forms, 2 letter of demands, 6 toll fees, 2
rego stickers, 3 fuel cards and 1 demerit point (oops yep one of the
traffic infringements was mine!) Not a partridge in sight.
There is a further pile of stuff in the "too hard" basket... might check
those out tomorrow... if I can't find anything better to do.