Occupational Health and Safety.. The thorn in the side of anyone with common sense. I tells ya it is getting out of control!
One guy bangs his head on an open door of one of our custom built special car bodies, and the company has to spent hundreds, nay thousands of dollars getting ALL of existing and future custom bodies modified so it can't happen again. All because 1 guy didn't watch where he was going?! If you bang your head on the cupboard door in the kitchen... do you call the cabinet maker in and totally renovate your kitchen? Or do you curse yourself for being a silly bugger and get back to making nachos for brekkie?!
Does that mean because I stubbed my toe on the bed this morning getting dressed that I can sue the bed company for not leaving toe holes in the base?
What will it be next? "The greatest escapologist of our generation, Howdaree, will perform his most daring stunt yet.... Climbing a ladder without a 3 point contact harness"
I rest my case.
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